Would you like to make a campervan conversion successfully?

This course is a game-changer in the industry.
It was created and is led by an actual experienced van builder, and focuses on making sure you really finish your van build the right way.

Your experience doesn't matter!

You will have access to:

– easy to understand video tutorials
– theory and a lot of practice
– advice for one-time builders and future professionals
– three years technical support
– closed community of motivated builders
– solutions that work in real life, not on Youtube
– huge savings, counted in thousands of dollars

Let me introduce you to the “A to Z Formula”!

This is my way of guiding you through the entire process of van conversion, which eliminates one of your biggest enemies: confusion.

This is the biggest problem my students were facing in the past: how do I make the right choices, when there is so much equipment to choose from and so many ways to accomplish the same goals?

With my unique workflow technique, you won’t face these problems. My goal is to guide you from beginning till the end, as the name implies: from A to Z.

Detailed video tutorials

Videos focused on making sure you reach your goal and really understand what you are doing.

All the systems you need

Electrical, water, solar, heating, cooling. You will learn all you need, to be able to install and configure those systems.

Fine cabinetry skills

Learn what materials to use, which tools to use and which techniques to implement in order to create durable, beautiful and lightweight campervan cabinetry.

3D design

Time is money and some inexpensive tools and machines can save you a lot of time. Learn how to speed up the design and production stages of campervan conversion.

Time to make some money!

I am a professional van builder and I haven’t completed 4 or 5 campervan conversions in my lifetime. I usually make 5 campervan conversions over the course of 7 months, and I’ve been doing this for over 15 years. On two continents too.

I learned the hard way how fast money can slip in between your fingers when making a campervan conversion and I won’t let you make the same mistakes. 

My professional van conversion workflow is optimized to save time and money without cutting corners.

So if you plan to change your life, become a professional builder and have a nice, steady income, this course is probably the only complete guide to do that. At least this is what my students say. 

It's not just another course...

The course is full of real-life skills. You will learn a lot about electricity and will be able to use it in the future at your home or in your car. You will learn a lot about woodworking, about using the proper materials and tools. With that knowledge you will be able to complete absolutely any task around your house. The same can be said about plumbing, solar systems, electronics, paints, finishes and many more. 

You will become the next always-ready, independent, self-made man. Like Benjamin Franklin.